When you list your dress with Dance Again, you don't just pay your money and then get forgotten about.
So what do you get for your listing fee?
I will do everything possible to help you find a buyer. My famous service starts as soon as you make contact with me. If you aren't sure what to do, please just email your questions. No matter how silly you think your question is, I will always take the time to answer every email I receive.
Photos- I will ensure that you dress photos look as good as they possibly can. Using Photoshop, I will crop out backgrounds and childrens' faces, re-size them to fit the website, lighten a too dark photo etc. In short, I will do everything I can to make your dress look it's absolute best. All you need to do is send me your photos, you don't need to worry about file size, dpi or pixels!
PayPal- Not sure about PayPal? Let me put your mind at rest. I have been using Paypal now for more than 15 years and have never had a problem. It is very safe and secure to use, much more secure than sending your bank account or credit card details in an email. If you have any trouble with PayPal as far as opening an account or paying your listing fee, just let me know and I will help you out. If you aren't sure about accepting payment for your dress through PayPal, contact me and I will tell you how it all works. Also visit my PayPal help page for tips.
Ad Presentation- You will get a full page listing dedicated to your dress. No external advertising will appear on your page to distract buyers. No links to other dresses or other pages on the site. Just a clean page featuring your dress alone.
Dress Description- Got your dress details but not sure how to word your ad? Just send it all to me and I will write something up for you, no problem!
Dress Measurements- Not sure how to measure your dress? I will give you hints on how to get it as right as possible. Do you only have a tape measure with centimetres? No problem, I can convert your measurements to inches for you.
Ad Duration- How long will your dress stay listed on the site? Once your dress is listed, it stays there until it is sold *+. Nothing further to pay.
* If dress buyers advise me that you are not replying to emails, I will try contacting you. If you do not reply, a note will be put on your dress ad asking you to contact me. If you still fail to contact me, your dress will be removed from the site.
+ Unfortunately some sellers do not let me know when their dress sells. Listings that haven't been updated in two years will be considered abandoned and removed. To update your ad, please simply email me. The two year time limit will reset each time you update your listing.
Please check your emails regularly and please let me know if your email address changes. Please reply if I email you.
Ad Changes- Once your dress is listed, you can make as many free changes as you like, just email me. Many sellers list their dress and then wish to change their description, alter measurements or price or change their photos. This is not a problem, just email any changes to me along with your dress number and I will update your ad to your requirements. There is no limit to the number of times you can adjust your ad and there is no extra charge.
Ad Exposure- There really is no better place to advertise than Dance Again. With over 22 million visitors to the site, your dress will be seen by more people than you could ever hope for. After years of listing dresses for free, Dance Again has gained the respect of the Irish dancing community and is usually the first place people look when wanting to buy a used dress. This high turnover keeps people coming back year after year.
On the day it is listed, your dress will also be posted on the Dance Again Facebook page, delivering your dress photo and clickable link directly to the newsfeed of everyone who "likes" the page, currently over 15,000 members. Your dress will also be added to my Instagram page and stories for even more exposure!
Communicating with Buyers- Usually buyers will ask all the normal questions, such as condition, measurements etc and you should easily be able to help them out. However, if they ask a question that you are not sure about, such as international payment or shipping, PayPal etc, just email me and I will help you out. I have been asked just about every question you could think of, so will usually have an answer for you. If I don't happen to know the answer, I will find out so we both know!
Disputes- Thankfully 99.9% of dress sales go through without a hitch. It does happen that on occasion there might be a problem between the seller and buyer. I will always be on hand to act as a go between and mediate a positive outcome. You are not alone if there is a problem. Most problems occur due to mis-communication and can usually be sorted out quickly. You will not be told to "sort it out yourself" by me. I will always do my absolute best to help under any circumstances.
Dedication- I am 100% dedicated to doing my best to make Dance Again the best source for dancers, their families, teachers and dressmakers to buy and sell new and used Irish dance costumes. Dance Again is my full time job, not just a hobby or something I do in my spare time. I have time for you. I have time to help you.
I am the mother of two former Irish dancers, I have been in your shoes, I have bought and sold dresses for my own daughters and I can help you too. If there is anything that you think I have left off this list, please just email me and ask. I am happy to help.