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April 2021

More changes! After even more struggles, I decided to move the site to a new provider and all seems well with exciting new features! Best of all is the new search filters! Search each dress page or to search the entire inventory of costumes, select "SHOP ALL" from the costumes drop down menu and you can filter through all costumes regardless of which age group they are listed under.


You can also see a quick view of the back photo of a costume by hovering over its thumbnail photo and view dress videos right from the dress listing rather that having to go over to Youtube. If you currently have a video on my Youtube channel, or would like to add a video to your listing, please send your video to me and I can upload it onto the site. 

March 2021

Firstly, sorry for any confusion caused by this huge change!

I found out in late January that my much loved site building program was being retired by Yahoo (site host) on March 31st. After my initial major panic!! I had to start with a new program and re-build the site from scratch, making my poor old brain learn a completely different system that didn't let me do what I wanted it to do lol ! I have been busy re-listing each dress and making new pages and links etc as quickly as possible and keeping my fingers crossed that it will all go smoothly when I click that "publish" button some time March. If you are reading this...phew, it worked!!


Many things have changed, having a mobile friendly site means things have to be slightly different to the old site, where I could put whatever I wanted, where ever I wanted. So the biggest change is to the dress pages. I am so sorry to my dress sellers, but almost all dress numbers have changed. If you can not find your dress, please email me and I can tell you your new dress number. The new site allows for larger, more detailed photos than the old site. Some dress photos may not look as clear as they did on the old site when viewed on a larger computer screen. If you are not happy with the quality of your photos, please do not hesitate to send the originals to me again, large files are best, and I will reload them for you as quickly as possible.


I am also trialling a new flat listing fee of $US10 per listing. I will see how I go with this, I am trying to be fair by charging everyone the same fee for the same service. I would be happy to listen to any feedback you may have regarding this as it's not set in stone.


There are so many links on the site. If you happen to come across one that I have missed or one that goes nowhere, please let me know if you have time. I would really appreciate it! Hopefully everything will work as I intend and we can all get used to the new site asap. Thanks for reading and please as always, let me know of you have any questions.


May 6th, 2019

Unfortunately, due to the new PayPal refund policy, I have had to remove the "Pay Now" buttons from my website and listing forms. PayPal will no longer refund their fees when a payment is refunded, they will refund to the buyer in full, and charge the vendor/seller their fee. As happened to me today, occasionally a dress seller will mistakenly enter their dress price into PayPal instead of their 1% fee, thus sending me a large sum which up until this week, could be easily refunded in full with no fees charged. Today after receiving a payment of $US900 instead of $US9, I would have been charged $US32.70 in fees. Luckily I was able to find a sympathetic ear at PayPal and they agreed to waive the fee "just this once". I can not risk this happening again so from today I will send a PayPal invoice for all new listings. Please accept my apologies for the delay this may cause, I am in Australia so there could be a few hours between you submitting your form and me sending the PayPal invoice. Please do not hesitate to email me with any questions or concerns on


September 18th, 2017

As I do every year, I have spent countless hours over the last few months emailing dress sellers to make sure that their dress is still available. There are over 2,000 dresses listed, so that's a lot of emails! Unfortunately many sellers do not reply, so trying to do the right thing, I spend more time sending reminders (as the last thing I want to do is remove a dress that might still be available) which also mostly go unanswered. After 16 years of doing this, I have decided to make sellers responsible for keeping their listing current, so have updated my listing conditions as follows, please note this will take effect immediately and will apply to all listings currently on the site...


+Unfortunately some sellers do not let me know when their dress sells. Listings that haven't been updated in 2 years will be considered abandoned and removed. To update your ad, please simply email me: The 2 year time limit will reset each time you update your listing.


A big 'Thank You' to the sellers who did reply to my emails! I hope that everyone will think that a 2 year limit in order to keep the site current is fair. I will just repeat that if you update your ad at least every 2 years, your dress will not be removed until you let me know that it is sold.


April 13, 2016 - Selling Tips

Why isn't my dress selling? We hear this all the time at class and read it on message boards etc. Sometimes it's just a slow time of year, a dress that's an unusual size or design (remember the Wizard of Oz dress?), other times it could be the way you are handling your dress advertising, so let's talk about that!


I have sold more than a dozen dresses myself and along with listing thousands of dresses for others, I believe that these are the four main points that can make or break your dress ad...


1. Good, clear photos are a must! Whilst a photo on a dancer is ideal, if you don't have a good one, don't use it! Your photo is the first thing a buyer will see, if it is dark, grainy or out of focus, covered by trophies or a sash, do not use it. It is much better to use a high quality, bright and clear photo of the dress on a hanger or table, than a bad photo of the dress on your dancer.


2. Write a good description of the dress but don't make it too long, people lose interest after a few sentences. You don't need to describe every single crystal, just the main points of dressmaker, colors, fabrics, condition and inclusions.


3. Price your dress to sell, look at what else is out there so that you are not asking a huge amount more than the going price for similar style dresses. Offer returns if at all possible. (See post below from Jan 20).


4. Most important! Do not list your dress and then never update it. I can not stress this enough. If your dress was listed a year ago and has not sold, it most likely won't sell this year either if nothing changes. I recommend reducing your price regularly, at least every one or two months. This will bounce the dress back onto the home page and also post it back onto Facebook each time, giving the dress more exposure and keeping the ad current. The value of your dress goes down as time passes so the faster you can secure a sale the better. It's much better to get $100 less than you hoped now, than still have the dress under your bed for years to come because it's too out of style and worth less than you spent on crystals!


Oh, and even that Wizard of Oz dress eventually sold when the price was right, the new owner loved it!


January 20, 2016.

Today I have been looking at the dresses for sale and noticed something that I think all sellers need to seriously consider. In particular, I was looking at dresses that have been for sale for a while, even though they are gorgeous dresses, many made by "Big Name" Dressmakers and many bargain priced. Why aren't they selling? I found that a lot of them had one thing in common, a very large percentage of them were listed as "final sale"...


I have been told by buyers that not being able to return a dress will put them off even contacting a seller. There are so many sellers who list their dress as returnable that it's too easy for them to skip over a final sale dress and move on to one that gives them the peace of mind that it can be returned if it isn't right when it arrives. If you have a dress that hasn't sold quickly that you have listed as final sale, have a think about offering returns, it may just be what is holding you back from getting that sale. Chances are that you will not have to take the dress back, it's just an insurance policy for the buyer, they want the sale to go through just as much as you do.


If you are wondering how to handle a returnable sale, I suggest the following...


1. Double check all measurements, send detailed photos, be honest about the condition of the dress.

2. Once you have agreed on a sale, the buyer will send you full payment plus the cost of shipping. Do not send the dress without full payment.

3. Make an agreement with the buyer that once they receive the dress, if they wish to return it, they must have it on its way back to you within 48 hours. If the buyer is in another country, ask them to mark the package/customs declaration as "Return to sender, wrong size".

4. When you receive the dress back, you refund the dress price only, keeping whatever it cost you to ship the dress to the buyer.

5. If you have asked for the dress to be marked as "sale pending" on the site, let me know if it is returned, I will simply remove the pending sign and you are back in business. Of course, also let me now if it is sold!


Some variations to consider...

1. Offer a refund to anyone who wants to buy the dress, no mater where they are from.

2. Offer a refund only to buyers within your own country and make overseas sales final.

3. Offer a refund only if the full asking price is paid. If the buyer would like to offer less and you accept their offer, you can make it a condition of accepting the offer that the sale is then final.

4. Leave it as final sale, but be aware that you may be significantly reducing your pool of buyers, and that's fine, you should do whatever you are comfortable with.


If you would like to make any changes to your return policy, or to any part of your dress ad, please email

Please do not hesitate to email me if you have any questions at all.

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Proudly Serving Irish Dancers Since February 2001


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